è yì zhòng shāng
this election campaign has seen all the usual mud-slinging we have come to expect . / there has been a lot of political mudslinging in the battle for votes
“惡意中傷”的成語拼音為:è yì zhòng shāng,注音:ㄜˋ ㄧˋ ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄤ,詞性:偏正式;作謂語、定語;含貶義,年代:古代成語,出處:宋·釋普濟《五燈會元》:“利刀割肉瘡猶合,惡語傷人恨不銷?!?,基本解釋:出自惡毒用心去誹謗誣陷傷害別人,中傷說壞話攻擊陷害別人。,例句:他只會一味地~別人。
拼音 |
è yì zhòng shāng |
注音 |
ㄜˋ ㄧˋ ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄤ |
詞性 |
偏正式;作謂語、定語;含貶義 |
英文 |
this election campaign has seen all the usual mud-slinging we have come to expect . / there has been a lot of political mudslinging in the battle for votes |
年代 |
古代成語 |
解釋 |
出自惡毒用心去誹謗誣陷傷害別人,中傷說壞話攻擊陷害別人。 |
出處 |
例句 |
他只會一味地~別人。 |